DDoS Mitigated Dedicated Servers | Colocation | VPS Hosting | LayerHost


Always Reliable. Always Online. Get Started Packages Starting at $99.99/mo*
DDoS Mitigation is an additional Charge*


DDoS Protection
DDoS Protected Servers

Our custom built in-house DDoS protection system has been designed to ensure that the network is protected from outside attacks - all of which are stopped within a minute or less. Read more about our enterprise security here.

Full Control
Full Control

All of our services gives you the control over the server. You will not need to reach us for anything that needs to be done on your server. If you need help with something we will always be there to assist.

24/7 Support
True 24/7 Support

Our highly trained staff are here for you whenever you need it. We offer a 24/7 customer support via our support ticket portal. You may also give us a call during anytime during the day at 1-833-247-4678.

Bandwidth Graphs
Bandwidth Graphs

Most of our services comes with a unique bandwidth graph to see how much data you are using per month. This insures that you do not overuse your limit.

Featured Hosting
Featured Hosting

We offer a great range of hosting services from shared, VPS, cloud, to colocation services. We honestly have everything you need for your hosting requirements. Please give us a call or send us an email with our sales department and see what we can offer you.

24/7 Security
Around the Clock Security

All of our privately held data centers offer the most advanced biometric security. This includes round the clock security patrols throughout the facility.